Vi gratulerer Andrea Lonardi COO hos Angelini Wines & Estates med tittelen Master of Wine, kanskje vinverdenens mest prestisjetunge tittel. The Institute of Masters of Wine er verdens ledende og eldste vinfaglige organisasjon. Den første eksamen ble avholdt i 1953 og det er 502 personer siden da som har bestått. I dag finnes det 412 Master of Wine i verden, hvorav to av dem er i Italia.
Dette sier Andrea selv om sin reise:
“Being a Master of Wine does not just mean knowing how to taste wine, recognizing its origin or being a good communicator. The Master of Wine is a journey that, once completed, makes you think about wine in different terms like its stylistic, economic, social and productive future. Wine is a means of dialogue with vinegrowers, sales networks and entrepreneurs. Wine is being able to listen and is a subject that requires time, dedication and lots of study, both theoretical and in the field. This is why I chose the path of the Institute of Masters of Wine," affirms Andrea Lonardi, whose final thesis was titled “Pergola and VSP [Vertical Shoot Positioning] in Valpolicella: how labour demand and current challenges impact training system choices: “The comparison between training systems, such as VSP and Pergola, will become increasingly topical, considering climate change and the shortage of labour."
Angelini Wine & Estates har viner fra flere områder i Italia, blant annet Tenuta Trerose fra Toscana og Bertani i Valpolicella, som du finner på Vinmonopolet her i Norge.
Les mer om Tenuta Trerose her og Bertani her.
Hele utvalget til på Vinmonopolet finner du her:
Tenuta Trerose på Vinmonopolet
Bertani på Vinmonopolet